Thursday, August 31, 2006
ok currently , only fishball & him & akinso .
boring luhh , most probably everyone else is out somewhere .
well yea exp for me as always .
just now was alright i guess exp for the first part ,
"we're all in this together"
yea like no energy la ,
the best part of the concert was the giving away of prices for the teachers.
&& you know what pumba's wife won some award i forgot what is it la .
i laughed like crazy , really like crazy until tears rolled down .
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
ey hello mr. what makes you think that i have feelings for you ?
puhh - lease la.
prasan .
ey news flash i hate you la (just in-case you dont get it the first time)
i hate you.period!
& i will never ever ever like a guy like you okay !!
uhh !
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ok i got my report slip today there's like bad news & good news.
the bad news is i failed 3 subs ,
which is math , combine science(typical) , combine humans. that kinda sound funny.eheh.
& i passed 3 subs which is eng(suprisingly) , mother tounge & Dnt.
ok im not trynna brag or anything la but i got a 90 marks for Dnt luhh !!!!
i never get 90 for anything ! shocking i know !
funny how life surprises me:)
&& this is a secret ok , i think i am addicted in studying you like unbelievable liddat luhh !
funny huh .
i wanna learn how to crap.ehehs*
you know i can have a new occupation , wanna know why ?
i visited the sick bay two days in a row la.
hahahahahaha !
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ok its 0030 hours , wednesday & i am still wide awake .
you know why i was studying .. i know i can't believe it either .
physics like i wrote notes like a few lines then i dozed off until 10 pm.
pfft. so now i am currently infront of the computer hearing to sway
& also ss textbook infront of me.
revising conflicts among countries.
like obviously they aren't my true friends.
full of lies i just hate it very very much !!
like what happened after dnt.uhh!
they just can't be trusted , if you think it's you it's not you okay ?
it's a diffrent story with different actors .
oh yea they are just pretending , is that what i am trying to say
well you know , untrustworthy people .
my life is full of pretenders who just pretend & lie.
who am i to say.
they are who they are.
& if they wanna be like that let em be
i don't bother to say any.
do you know that crapping is talent ?
well it is, ralvin does that very well & her.
i wanna know how to crap alot.
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Monday, August 28, 2006
ok atc camp was like
so damn boring CAN ?
like what the FUCK lorh !
those from our school who went were like regretting la .
& then like when the first day i was like very damn emotional liddat .
like no idea whats wrong liddat , was folding the flap of the tent & then tears start to fall .
before that got once , then at mph like what the FUCK la !
stupid right? i know some times i even get fucked up for being too damn sensitive.
ironically , i miss my mom & the sec 2's
just now i went to the hospital .
i love him so much can ?
i love ariz zamani !! nice name .
he was born on 2342 on 27th august 2006 .
i love the baby smell la so damn nice !
he so fair & adorable liddat && he got damn red cheeks you know !
pls lemme take care of him can ?
haha toodles !
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
ey you know what this is the 3rd time i've blogged today larhh .
i was being a couch-potato earlier.
eh hello pro okay !
.. & as i was saying, i eating fish crackers(ey potato also must eat okay)
okok serious, then you know lucky aka garfield gone dark .
ey he really look like garfield you know like someone luhh..
oh i know i know jeremiah, yea.
ey back to the topic lah, the crackers was on my hand & then lucky snatched the crackers using his paw & put it into his mouth like immediately like under 1 min. liddat ! you knowyou know .
ey what's the big deal man ?
lame larhh YOUU.
that cat pro sia.
see larh who teach, ehems (puts on proud face).
he's only pro at eating only luhh.
why am i blabbing crappy stuff ? omg!
ey ok luhh im not going to atc camp, im sorry to someone, err well you know better who you are, sorry ok dear i just cannot explain to you why i can't so very sorry from the bottom of my heart, really don't hate me okay.
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heya im back !
im forced to go to atc camp by someone eherm .
but i asked my mom just now & she said no .
she says she'll give the reason later when she reach home later .
oh im so happy ! maybe i get to take care of my aunts baby boy .
maybe larh who knows what might happen right ?
pish posh .
ok i dont know what to talk about anymore .
oh well buhhh-byee !
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First ,
ever since risz brings pocky choclate to school everyday , i have a craving for it .
2. I hate gassy drinks other than coke .
& MR LIM was so hyper today !!
prasan ahaha (long story can ?)
aaachoo , i just sneezed !
eng lesson almost half the class went home .
badbad :(
during cme lesson , we did cards for teachers day so very the kindergarten-ish yea ?
i made one for him & one for miss azlina .
ralvin , made one for patrick starfish & she put down this crap about extrim thing . man she very creative .
i lol-ed .
oo oo ouoh im late im late !
gotta fetch my kid brother from school larh .
continue the part two of the rant later can ?
see ya later
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

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physics was unbearable won't go into detail .
bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda
ok so we had a new instructor or whatever you call them for the english enrichment thingay .
yea she need's anger management man !
then i said something in malay , cos she was like raising her voice for little puney reasons .
& then the chairman came in & spoke to him in malay .
but i like her though , at least she smiles unlike the one we used to have .
her actions was overly-well .
& firman was kinda disgusted because of her actions , he is really bold .
but half the time i wasn't listening to her , i was reading my book .
oh i went to this website , creepy ok .
it's about magics & spells .
yea when i entered i freaked out ok , so we can't use any of those spells it's sinful althou i feel very very tempted to use the loose weight spell .
oh well :)
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Monday, August 21, 2006
from what i know love can't be forced right ?
you have the right to say yes or no right ?
omg this sounds so stupid & very pathetic !
scratch scratch scratch !!
stupid right ! stupid !!
i just disgusted myself .
but ultimately ..
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
there's chemistry test tomorrow .
i don't intend to study cos i know i will definitely flunk it
so i won't bother .
oh there's ATC camp on the 25 , 26 & 27th .
seriously i don't wanna go to that filthy place ever again !
you know what when we went last year we reached here so damn early & we had to take out tall the tent stuff & group em & the other schools came & were just instructed to just take it ! like wtf !
& i didn't mention about the store room my god the place smelled of SHIT
so when we touched the tent stuff our hands smelled like shit as well . YUCK !
i really don't wanna leave ! i don't , like something exactlly happened about the sec 3 adv camp .
my god before i left there was so much drama .
& IF i go , we will be doing kayaking & i hope that the beach will be much much more cleaner than the one at the sec 3 camp . grossed out man !
& furthur more we don't have time to go home to at least take our stuff .
& we'll be carrying our books to school too , do you know how damn heavy the bag is gonna be ?
fuck her !
well under all circumstances im not going !
na-ah .
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Friday, August 18, 2006
ok so went to school
& this person won't bother to mention who .
talk to me like not happy like that , what the fuck !!
eee yerr ! i hate you !
i got 2 tests & 1 stupid math quiz .
then go back home
then got np
then i went home with maverlyn .
she's one kind of siao char bor i dont know i spelt that correctly luhh .
i was laughing my ass off all the way la :)
now im damn tired i want to go to sleep , toodles .
feels like I have already known you
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
eh hello ! i AM very bored okay !!
entertain me can ?
i freaking feel very so low-key today . i dont know why la .
ok so today i went to do my ic thingy cum passport .
im going to migrate from here soon la okay !!
so ya this that bla bla bla ...
dont want to mention much .
i want to take care of my uncle's baby la !!!!
i want i want i want !!
who knows i can get paid . * ka-ching *
oo yea baby , baby yea !
eh hello what's up with you ??
dude why can't you just say something !
just like as always =[[
eeeyerr you disgust me !
if anyone of you believed what i said earlier
man ! i was just messing around la .
im feeling low-key & looney baby !
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
risziana sabo-ed me so ya im not gonna do it !! can ?
tired you know .
so fuck la train like stupid shit & then got third !!
go to hell !
whats done is done bla bla bla !
so not worth the training .
he actually bothered to look at me !
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
i can't hide this obsession .
he has a smile that melts my heart
he's good-looking & very very adorable
he's someone far away , different country , different race , different color .
he's popular , he has a heavenly voice :)
he rocks !!
ok so i went to watch the fireworks !
on both days . i dont want to talk about it la
just say thr first was better than the second one :)
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
it was smiles all the way .
i didn't know that people actually cared that it's my birthday .
& i'm saved ! nono birthbash for me yays !
well so far i only got this present from her a cute pouch :)'s again .
i thought but no ! bummer !
so today we had cultural expressions
well i was feeling a little low-key just now .
when it's my turn for the competition dance
i froze fuck her la .
happy birthday yvonne :))
your choclate will be on friday okay .
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
this smoke smell is really giving me a migrane
no offence i know it's the 7th month of sum sum .
i think im gonna be sick :(
&& hakim said he will buy those shades that i wanted .
yays :)
& my mom said i was taking advantage of him or something
well whatever . im gonna have a heavy meal tmr !
eat this eat that & there's a gathering at my aunts house on the 9th .
im addicted already la .
i think im gonna buy another bottle of that thing .
my birthday wish is ..
well i dont know yet :)
toodles all !
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Friday, August 04, 2006
nono correction !!
it's in three days time !!
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oh & did i mention my birthday's in three weeks time ?
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ok how many days have i not posted an entry ?
well i don't know .
monday : oh ya i did update on that day la STM !! but here's the other part of the story , after school there was drill practice so we ran around the quadrangle for dunno how many times !!
so tired but then i keep going to the toilet to shit la & i could not run anymore . that stupid cow !
went back home an ate alot alot then arnd 8 .
tuesday : nothing much i think .
wednesday : well oh well i had cca & can miss gay butt off this drill com thingy .
eversince she stepped in she was shouting at all of us .
so i wanted to watch s'pore idol but i was so so very tired slept at 8 & woke up at 6 in the morn .
thursday : a really bad start for the day . i had to stand up because i did not bring my malay book , eh c'mon la i had no time to borrow right !!
was so reluctant !
then i complaint to ms azlina ! haha :)
& the day got worse that would be too much to mention & too much infomation .
friday : which is today , i did not go to np i was so pissed & frust to go .
so made up a reason that i had a check-up la .
also a bit pissed with someone la .
well that's all can ?
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
c'mon it's all slander people .
i dont know what to say if you ever believed those dumb asses !!
dont give me the pms shit ok !
your temper has always been like that ok :(
those are meant for somebody & somebody .
it's not you if that' what you think .
ok i was picked by spongebob's best friend to do the in-touch thing
ARGH !! ( frustrated )
& i became an mc .
& then it was like 3.25 & i WANT to go to city plaza to buy the folk dance costume & then he didn't let me off !
ey ! c'mon la !!
i need to try on the dress i dont know which size i need to take la .
so anyways , on monday we had english common test & the first fifteen minutes i was like sleeping *zzz
no not really the whole of fifteen minutes i was reading the passage for 10 minutes or less i think & i couldn't understand a word they put there !!
i was reading reading reading then suddenly doze off so you wanna know what woke me up my tummy it was grumbling like crazyyy !!
so i was like : oh no , no not now pls .
so i know it's gonna go out soon .
so i went to the toilet & i THOUGHT that i will only take five minutes or so .
but no i took 10 minutes .
so i came back 5 minutes before time is up .
& i haven't wrote a single thing !!!!
& i just copy the phrases & DID not change a word la .
i am sure that im gonna fail my common test !!
oh & for the in-touch thingy
i got stage-fright man !!
& when i get nervous or shy i tend to smile non- stop !!
very weird you know !
you are actually supposed to be serious up there & i'll be smiling away making a fool out of myself . pray hard !!
i REALLY REALLY hate shafie !
he pisses me off !
that immatured jerk !!
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