Thursday, September 28, 2006
im super full la, i was so weak just now before i break fast & the taste of water was just simply amazing. slurp slurp:)
i didn't eat much so i feed the remaining food to MICKI & he loved it alot.
& i realised there is so much more topics to learn then i expected for d&t,tsk.
i ain't going nowhere, i am here to stay.
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
some stuff i did when i am super bored, him under blanket.

can i say i miss everyone for no reason luhh !
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Monday, September 25, 2006
here are some pictures, so enjoy aite.
i miss those times, the bestest bunch of people i could ever have & i love them.
SAW-sage, the history of his name is a long long story can ?
AHH ! i LOVE this pup, he or she is so adorable lahs.
daughter & father or husband & wife ?
KORGY-ness !!
my visit to the pates station, so here's the story the one with black spots wants the fluffy one(white) but the fluffy one wants the black one, one of them has to be gay. HAHAHAHA !!
now for the finale
now this is the cutest picture of her. MAISARA:)
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here are some pics i took today luhh im bored & also that i have nothing to talk abt so i just put this up for fun fun fun, woohoo !
JUST DONT PLAY WITH ME MY PAPER HEART WILL BLEED !! OKAYS !! i hope i make myself super duper uper clear !!
her brother & mine, both different but somehow very very alike:)
not the cutest picture of herself, oh what the heck hello cutie pie !
FOCUSED & bad hair day:(

amykins ! cute isn't she & chikee at the backgrnd.
ok bye !
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
my stomach is torturing me like crazy can ?
& i feel like giving up everything, her, studies , hopeless hopes & stupid fantasies that can bring me no where.
& speaking of nowhere i think i have to go somewhere .
bye !
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
i simply can't wait, i feel so alive !!
it's all super duper uper fast fast fast . yayness !
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Friday, September 22, 2006
to those who love me:
i don't know what's worth living, my love for them is infinite. & you guys will never ever ever be forgotten & i'll always rmbr you, your names carved in my heart, you left footsteps in my life & you were always there beside me, i appreciate it alot alot & i don't know what i'll do without you. i will always be there for you when you need me, I PROMISE.
you know who you are=)
you made a difference, you changed me & you cared. thank you & if i go do rmbr i am always by your side.
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
i just don't wanna flunk this year & retain, it scares me. ya i know-.-
i guess i can understnd a lil tiny bit abt math, but by the time exam comes i'll probably forget all abt it.pfft
this is just for ENTERTAINMENT
been through just about evrything
that i could go through when it comes to relationships
don't know what i was missing or what i ain't listen
when i told myself that was it
but here i go hurt again cause
of my curousity now that it's over
what else could it be
besides a cheat
i made a promise
never to settle(why didn't i keep it)
cause i needed the heart break
cryin & cheating the fooling arnd
but im not missing you
im not going through emotions
waiting and a hoping you call me
im not missing you
you mighta had me open
but i must be going because
i got lots to do
i know im usually hangin on
i used to hate to see you go
but this time is different
i don't even feel the distance
im not missing im not missing you
its a shame in a way
cos i feel that i may not
ever fine the right one for me
did i leave him this year
i didnt find a face oh
will my true love ever be
how could i go on a search again
when i know what the end will be
what good is love when it keeps on hurting me
i made a promise
never to settle (why didnt i keep it)
cos i needed the heart break
cryin and cheatin the fooling around
but im not missing you
im not going through emotions
waiting and a hoping u call me
im not missing u
u mighta had me open
but i must be goin because
i got lots to do
i know im usually hanging on
i used to hate to see u go
but this time its different
i dont even feel the distance
im not missing im not missing u
no i cant be with u cos
im scared felt like i was falling when u left me
i cant keep going through life
unaware of what im missing
or the person that i could be
loves good when its right
bad when its left
in ur memory all the time anytime
i guess love will be nice for someone
this is life
im not going through emotions
waiting and a hoping u call me
im not missing u
u mighta had me open
but i must be goin because
i got lots to do
i know im usually hanging on
i used to hate to see u go
but this time its different
i dont even feel the distance
im not missing im not missing u
i love this song to bits & pieces, tells alot & makes things much more clearer.<33
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
i didn't go to school today, i woke up late, so i just made up some excuses.
oh & when i was on my way home, this bunch of monkeys was monkeying arnd, hello am i too small to be seen, yes i do know that i am short so it'll be hard to be seen, but i was wearing orange okays ! i think it's striking enough to be seen.
& two of these people actually stepped in my foot, ok it hurts.
those who stepped on my foot weren't monkeying arnd it's only the guys.
well anyways, i don't understand a single thing on ionic & covalent bondings, it's so confusing & not understandable, well it is for smart people=)
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
& like i thought so, i should've figured it out. oh well, some things are just meant to be that way.
my stomach was killing me so i went to sick bay, aft school i went to jurong east & i just reached home. & does anyone know whether there's np tmr.
it saddens me actually that no one actually really cared.
& there's difference btwn acquaintance & a friend & also to prevent from furthur stupidity i might as well learn to forgive & accept who they are.
& thank you azira, for sending me to sick bay=)
bye to all.
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Monday, September 18, 2006
i didn't go to school today, having gastric problems & also a little bit lazy.
& everyone else is not going to sch tomorrow.pfft.
ok bye !
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
there's nothing much for me to blog actually, nothing great happened these past few days.
oh & huda was injured in an accident, take care yes ?
i think i have gastric pains, ahh it's killing me !
the chem topic is so easy lahs, see it doesn't kill to pay attention ya know.
& i should have gone to the trailer-.-
so much on "from the bottom of my heart" typical.
im off now.
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
i don't think i can trust them, i find it really disturbing.
& i don't think im going to the trailer recording, i just don't wanna be seen on tv, i have issues abt these things, but i wanna go cos i wanna meet them, but i don't wanna go la.
i think i should be in school, something tells me to just go to school & furthurmore i seriouly cannot miss a lesson it's crucial okays !
& speaking of school i haven't complete my social studies homework & physics.
to me today is the day i love most aft all the days passed this week.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
the Julie's brand copyrighted oreo & changed the freaking name to stereo ??
the trip to the supermarket was hilairously funny!
i actually didn't fall asleep in chem lesson & i understand the new topic.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
i think im sick=(
&& it's non of your freaking business la, so butt out !
i think im happier ystd than today, im not sure but it think so it's because of that.
ya great i can go home early tmr no np for like forever can ?
haha yea dream on, thinking abt np makes me miss mr amin like alot.
oh well he's gone now.
& she gave me like some **** stupid excuse, uhh!!
yea i think im getting the what the teachers are teaching me.
& actually i didn't fall asleep during math lesson, wow !
yea she tapped the table because i was lying my head on the table, but i didn't fall asleep, ok what's the big deal ? uhh !
& i actually understand physics.
i so wont be able to sleep today, cos i slept for like four hrs, uhh !
& maybe just maybe my mom's gonna get me a new phone depends on how i do on my exams.
& also a shopping spree at ikea ive been waiting to get my room renovated & also maybe baby ariz is gonna move in with us, it's not really official la, but i already get the green light from my uncle but i don't know abt my aunt, it's her baby anw.
i don't know what to say no more, so i'll stop here wokaei.
much love, to you lovely readers.
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Monday, September 11, 2006
during eng lesson was, abit fun the only part of day i laughed like crazy.
so the person beside me "intend" to tap arm, but then she tapped at the wrong place.
then i go:
"ey what you trynna do?! do you know where you 'tapped'?"
(lauhgs like crazy)
& i dont entertain jerks & sore-losers like you okay ? do you get me.
you just sit there & dream ok, doodle all you want i dont care.
& then during math lesson she wanted to know why i was absent for that oh so boring math lesson taught by her, then said i had a check-up at the health promotion board building then she asked for the stuff you know to proof, she asked for the que no. & i rmbrd i threw it into the thrash can, man i should have kept it. uhh, oh well!
im off now, so later dear readers.
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
really i got no mood to go to sch tomorrow. i think im nervous & i duuno why luh. pls lemme be sick tmr morning. the one week break flew by oh so fast & now it's sunday & in a few hours it's monday.
& my geog hmwrk is so difficult luh & not to add social stud.
the source based qns is killing me !!
stress ok!
& my week is like so totally wasted on me, i did nothing fruitful not even a decent 3 hr revision on my subs.
& not to mention eye is just around the corner and i not doing my intensive revision.
i really need to do something fast !
im just scared of losing and change.
maybe will sum this up:
my silent cries & my hidden tears
i tried to be strong but i cant fake it any longer
& you realised that no one's there
i want all this to just stop
this unbearable burden im carrying
its just too hard
& when you realised they were pretending
and i just dont want to be hurt again
the painful silent suffering
killing me little by little
& all is just too confusing to be understood
all i need now from you is your sincerity
and you not betraying my trust.
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
today was super duper fun larhs !!
we played like 5 year olds la, release the inner child in you.
we played like crazy la & now my knee is blue-blackie.
&& earlier in the morning, i was playing arnd with saw-sage& amy with this twine la(it's been collecting spider-webs in my drawer so it was out to good use).
& somehow saw-sage did a 360 degree flip. WHOA !
my cats never seem to stop to amaze me.( i ain't bragging ok)
unbelievably i finished my assignments already, today. yay!
much love to you readers<3
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i wanted to paricipate in the njrc cheer thing, but she wont lemme.
all because i didn't attend my remedial lessons.pfft.
probably im going there to just see them perform or something.
well, im off now
much love to you lovely readers:)
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Friday, September 08, 2006
ok la i just came back from jurong point, i watched monster hse, ok lah for a child-like cartoon it is quite scary, the sound effects was marvelous!
we ate like tons of food today, when queuing up to buy the food stuff, my mom's friend gave me 20 bucks to spend & she's so cool man, cooler than my mom.
then after the movie, we went wrnd somewhere & then my mom's friend treat us to swensens, we ate like tone fo ice-cream!!
& now my tank is full. teehee x)
probably im going to njrc cheer thingay tmr.
wont confirm yet.
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Thursday, September 07, 2006
im waiting for the moon eclipse, its 10 minutes to twelve now.
i think its gonna start arnd 2am, most probably.
i'll be off now, oh & did you know i haven't even start on my assignments yet.
omg, man i have to buck up alot alot!
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yay i got my connection back ! haha long story .
i went inside & met with a bunch of lame assholes that tried to get my attention.
pathetic much.
having to try out & listen to new songs or try to listen to something new or a new band kinda scares me, weirdo.
i try to hear the firefly song from breaking benjamin & gave me a fright oh dear !
so toodles all:)
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
my petty brothers are getting on my nerves !!
& also did not attend math remedial class today, i wanted to come but everyone else is not going so i don't want to be the only one there.
i actually revised yesterday night, actually it's all quite easy if you really use your brain.
i should have listened in class.
toodles all:)
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
the scar is slowly fading away , thankgod .
today & now, this is reality & not some fantasy wake up & see that there's not much time left for you to stay. & if you don't do this now, you might regret this. & if you don't realise soon enough it's too late then, so do something from the time you have now & cherish every minute of it make it meaningful so that it's left in your memory forever until you are burried 7 ft under & rot until you are left with bones.
& i'll be waiting for you love
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Monday, September 04, 2006
i didn't attend the grammar thingy la.
am in deep shit ?
ms joy chen called my home & told me to come down to school,
but i didn't.ehes.
but im going tmr.
sucha lazy-bum, i just don't bother anymore but i have bother if not im gonna flunk everything & that is not going to happen & im not even using this one week to study.
well im off now.
i am so in deep shit.
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Sunday, September 03, 2006
my week is jam-packed with stuff to do , busy busy larhs . i guess im only free on thursday i think , tomorrow & tuesday there's the eng grammar thingay & i don't feel like going . & also not forgetting math remedial on wednesday , thursday is my free-day ! ya haha
geeky la ^.^
fri day im gonna catch a movie with her <33 . ehes
saturday out to somewhere .
& i barely have time to do my assignments larh !
pissh !
we so have such puney time larh !
haha so stupid .
abit spastic la so bare with me yea?
haha gd night to all those pretty people !
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Friday, September 01, 2006

hahahaha lol-ness , look so real man !

super fluffy & super duper cute .
teehee x)
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