most of the fun was from yesterday yesterday's night.
we did human pyramids, body stackos there is a whole lot more of other kiddos luh.
then when like my brothers went home, i stayed.
me and huda
we played dolls, childish much.
and stress, stressing ok.
we played like until 2 am
she doesn't want to go to sleep.
after a short persuasion we went to sleep, we talked a little before we dozed off.
actually i wanted to sleep rigth away but she kept talking, bladebladebla.
we woke up at 10.
i didn't have breakfast, so around 12.30, i was starving so i decided to go to Mc's
and buy a burger.
and then we ate lunch together, me, huda, hakim & afiq.
then there's this convo.
hakim: how to make babies?
me: i'll show you how.
no wait, he's actually asking about the sims 2 ok. he's new at this game.
and then huda laughs hysterically.
then i knew what she was thinking then i laughed.
you know she has a pretty dirty-minded brain for her age.
must be all those holiday homework getting to her.
then we did more stuff.
then night time.
mom's picked us up.
another convo.
me: bapak mesti da gaji kan?
mom: tk la mane ade tgok mane ade barang.
what she thinks im stupid?
me: kt blakang pe.
mom: ala beli barang siket je
me: abeh asl lame na.
mom: kite jln-jln la.
me: oh, abeh tk belikn ape-ape.
my elder brother interrupts.
brother: tadi mak nk belikan aisyah dress abeh tk jadi
me: asl tk belikn?
mom: ala mahal sgt la, 79 tau.
brother: mak ade belikn lagi satu bende.
me: oh eh ape?
my kid brother interrupts(the3rdone)
kid bro: ey alim da beli sims2 pets tau.
me: sumpah aku tk tanye.
kid bro: duit orang ah, tk leh main tkleh main.
me: we share the same computer doofus!
then he did the eye thing.
ok this is getting too long
fast forward>> and play
she bought me a bracelet, it was gorgeous, she wanted to buy the ones with the little diamonds but she said i wouldn't be carefule enough so she bought me the ones without it.
love it to bits can.
so far life's been good.
please get better.
and GOD make it stay this way,
thank you.