Tuesday, December 26, 2006
alot has been happening lately
not really good things.
my cat just died earlier this morning & plusthe day gets worse by the minute, it's been raining for the whole day.
we wanted to bury him(mycatthatjustdied) but that's just plain impossible.
we actually went down to dig then we realised it's impossible and i saw this worm, YUCK.
so we decided to call the right people for the cremation, somehow it feels like killing him again & just to burn his body costs 90 bucks, that's just insanely expensive!
& plus if you want the ashes you have to pay another 200 bucks! & i spent the whole day crying and now my eyes are swollen hope it goes down by tomorrow.
& i have reasons why i didn't attend certain occasions or stuff, so please don't be so judgemental. so im not in the mood, to do anything right now.
& i found out that some NCOs names are cut, because of not attending stuff, and like i said, i have my reasons. and im not in the mood for anything right now.
p.s: it's less than one week to the first day of school, and i still haven't done the summary & book talk plus chem homework.
so bye(:
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
photo time ok!
huda & her cousin, shikin.

ferero roche. drools, actually there's another ferero roche bouquet which looks preetier.


i was ecstatic that night.


don't you think i have small eyes?

i laugh when i look at this picture.

yana& huda, she looks quiet but she talks quite alot.

we, us.
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
DIYANA&INTAN MAISARA as stated to my mom is samseng taik!
im gonna upload pictures of yesterday's wedding on friday.
pictures on thursday.
& those on wednesday
sometime soon:)
&& im going to change my link
it is..
thankyou much.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
so yes i was at habour front
going home, i tapped already luhh.
&& i waited for mom to buy the temporary cards
for the small ones.
waiting & waiting & i swear the white guy was
watching me.
so i was like no can't be, so i turned la to check(takot prasan)& he was taking a picture of me
so i turned the other way.
then i was like ok no biggy, he's not even cute & furthuremore he may be taking a picture of something else but like near my direction. very high possibilty:)
ok forget about what i wrote can?
so what happened just now, we went to banquet at jp.
i ate kebab! delicious siol!
its strange when don't feel hungry i feel like eating
when i do feel hungry i don't feel like eating.
went to vivo AGAIN!
the only think i like about that place is the rooftop &&
the playground YAY.
childish much(i lovelove the see-saw, the orange one and the the blue metal one)
very fun can?
but that place is like fcuking boring.
i want to buy a dress so mom & me went searching for one.
then she said
we cannot but anything here it's too expensive, which is true most of them are boutiques.
we cannot afford to buy anything there.
then she said go tangs see, so i was like isn't it expensive there?
there's clothes there, very pretty dresses i like!
evrything is like above 79 bucks and above.
then i said:
"padan muke, tu la pandai sgt" then i laugh sarcastically.
then went to playground.
then i play the the blue metal see-saw freakishly fun luhh!!
i screamed like a mad woman!
ok ok bye:)
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
cute:) everyone's favourite!

mom bought that ginormous bear for me.

her makeover. doesn't she look pretty.

eee, got eye shit. sounds stupid, claps for shithead.

ika, matin & me

for so long i still can't different shade them

hello she-boy & my fat kid bro's tummy.

she wants to lick the face of tha girl wearing the hi-5 tee. hey it's not me okays!

photowap. is that how it's spelt?

the sisters.
we celebrated amirah's&atikah's birthday.
& adillah's belatedone
so it was ok for today, we went out to Mc in the afternoon.
those skinny kids can finish, a whole McChicken by themselves
they are pri3 &pri 1
you should see their legs.
they eat so fucking alot tau.
ok bye.
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Friday, December 08, 2006
i went out with mom, gran, kid bro & elder bro.
so the kiddos were left in the house with dad, so after gran went to the bank.
we all went to buy clothes for the little kiddos at kiddy palace, after all that we split, mom went back to gran's.
and gran gave us 10 bucks to buy food for the little kids.
we bought the darkest famous amous cookie we can fine, that cookie is freaking delicious.
we went home then.
&& you know what my mom said?
she said that i have to be admitted to the mental hospital.
so what if i like to look at mirrors.
people see their reflection like everyday right?
so why must i be a patient there?
sheesh, mom & her thoughts.
fyi: i think i have freakishly large hands. it's ginormous really, when i compare then to my other friends.
someone just told a huge embarassing secret about me. SHIT!
well i forgive her, cos' it's only in the family, no worries.
& only she knows & someone else & maybe someone else's someone else.
& probably my kid brother.
fuck, no good he & her(theonewhospilled) cannot keep their big mouth shut.
i changed my skin if you noticed. haha.
i can't wait for the water war, battle of the sexes!
&& the sleepover.
YAY! bye.
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
im typing in the dark right now
i went to vivocity just now and just reached home, my favourite shop is candy empire i went there first okays
but the choc too sweet i was about to hurl my favourite id the strawberry-choc. yumm:)
after that went around & around my mom wanted to find giant but she can't find it
and stupidly that giant is on the same floor as candy empire.
&& i saw the ben&jerry's shop i bought the new york choc.
i wanted to eat the one choc brownie my mom bought the big tub one ystd but the little kiddos finished it.
which made me really mad, you know for little size kids they eat alot but still they look like they lack of food or something.
so i had to share it with them, sickening ok.
then we went to the playgrnd behind LJS
so they played luh and i was hungry, so from what happened earlier this morning i can't go back to sleep like immediately
& then i finally slept at 8 and i woke up at 1pm. SHIT
so i ate one packet of maggi nd half cup of coke & i havent ate anything since.
mom gave me 10 bucks to buy something from burger king.
so i bought Whooper meal(upsize) and med onion rings, i didn't eat it alone okays
i shared it with mom & brother.
mom told me to eat secretly so that they dont see us eating. hah mean.
if we share we'll have 6 more mouths to feed.
but then the skinny kids saw us eating, double shit.
its not like i dont want to share, they eat goddamn fucking alot siak.
alotter than me ok believe me. ( althou it is kinda hard to believe)
then ita & nana came and meet us.
we went hunting for the not found giant, when finally we found it yay.
bought 1 big bag of doritos and i normal hot&spicy, 750ml of strawberry milk
the hl milk and evian 500 ml bottle.
the little skinny girls finished the doritos themselves and the strawberry milk.
&& they sleep on my bed like they own that bed, fucking irritating ok?
i can't wait for the water bomb fight(battle of the sexes)
&& the sleepover too.
once when we played the waterbomb at the carpark roof, ystd ystd.
it didn't even last a minute!
ok buh bye.
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it's 5am now.
something major happened at 4.30 am.
i was asleep then, and my two brothers woke me up when they went in my room.
and i can hear people talking very loudly la
so i went out to see what the fuck's going on.
and i see my father shouting to him to go back and turn himself in.
and as stated from my very nosey brother my mom pushed him
him, was shouting madly like a loony.
he had a bottle of chilli sauce for protection so he frantically tried to run.
and FYI he was half-naked when he ran down, and i heard the MP guy shouting
while they were playing cat-and-mouse, my father called the police only they were too late and the MP dudes left.
but i think what happened just now woke a few people, i think
my next door neighbour woke from all the commotion.
as for me when i went out, i was shocked shitless when i see those people with the little baton thingys and the electric thingy they were trying to negotiate with him.
and him i think pushed someone's motorbike over, after they were gone my mom tried to make it stand but it was too heavy.
and now, the chili sause is all over the stairs landing, 3rd floor and first floor.
well now i cannot go back to sleep.
oh & my poor cats were shocked shitless too.
chomel was too terrified to move a muscle.
mimi, was hiding under the sink.
lucky,jewel,saw-sage,tammy,pitam and emma was all on top of the cupboard their eyes wide open.
and my poor billy, was in my room trying to hide all in a state of shock.
i just wish i saw them using the electric thingys.
oh well since i havent used the comp ystd i'll play it now.
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Friday, December 01, 2006
i've been having mood-swings lately, everytime i get them i will tend to throw tantrums at evryone round' me. it's so sickening and plus when i get mood-swings i hurt others(not physically, verbally, what i say & how i say it) especially my mom, to see her hurt sometimes makes me cry, but i just dont have the guts to say sorry. kinda embarassing actually.
and the one thing i hate most is when i go out in this kind of condition and i will this kind of stuck-up-bitchy look, i hate it when i look like that.
when i was in the train i re-think things over and the book i read made me calm down a lil bit.
you know to get my mind of stuff.
well, im ok now.
so yes the main purpose for me to go out was actually not to un-contain my self in this house. there's like nothing to do. i went to ikea & bought stuff(mostly for my room) my room is like so dull, the color is not only there's no decorations and stuff.
so im like fcuking tired on my way home.
why must life have ups and downs
why can't they just be ok all the way?
it's frustrating.
one minute you say you're happy
the other you're un happy.
what you need to be sick
and like have 3 months to live.
shoot it sucks,
to have life be that way.
well i can't do anything about this.
let fate bring me to where
it wants to bring me.
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