Thursday, June 26, 2008
kay, i've got nothing to update bout' so maybe this just might kill my time.
look at that boy, he is sooooo fine, gahh ! i'm melting. he would be perfect to be edward cullen but i just found out that robert pattison is the official Edward Cullen. He's still good-looking, i ain't complainin'. Heh. I can't wait for the movie to premier here, i heard it's coming out at the end of the year. Don't know it it's right.
nothing more to talk about already,
till another time.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
i would've been somewhere else now, not here at home. With really nothing better to do that this.
holdiays are so frustrating, honestly, i'd rather be at school.
i'm so pissed right now, pissssssssssssssssssssssseddd !
Miss Pisssy PMS.
i would really want to be somewhere else now. i should've be out meeting them but i don't know why i said no, other than the reason being, i just woke up at 11.30 am. hah. half the day went by just like that & in no time i'd be watching Veronica Mars.
this morning was prolly the reason why i'm in a baddd mood. woken up by the cries from my kid brother who refused to go to school, hid under the bed and cried - correction, wailed. he got some of my traits. lol. I remembered i used to do that when I was small. yeah. whatever, i just don't want to be here.
& that dream, there's prolly a meaning to it(:
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
feeling rather pissy these few days, for whatever hell the reason is, usually, i would say it's that time of month. but my time is always late & i think i may know the reason behind it.
cooking makes you sweat(duh)
so it's a good thing for me!
i'm prolly meeting them on friday & a very last minute meet-up w/ risz and saddam at the library. don't know whether it's confirmed or not, it's been a long time since i last read a good book, hopefully i would get to read eclipse, it's so hard for me to get my hands on that book.
till another time then(:
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008
give me a holiday to remember
apart from that i desperately need a change in my life
give me one more chance to make things right
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Saturday, June 14, 2008
it's only less than a half hour, these thoughts keep popping up in my mind like pop-ups(duh).
it's annoying but the very same time, true - only, about the thoughts not the pop-ups.
I know well enough that I shouldn't be having these. Love ? I don't think I felt it just yet.
And amidst of all these, I remebered about that guy, when I was in secondary two. I never replied his text. I've been feeling terrible eversince. So you, if you know me or if you know that I am referring to you - you, the guy who text-ed me. Yes, this is meant for you:
I'm sorry. I know how it feels like to be left hanging just like that. Karma(again)
i'm sure, that there a 99.9% chance of him reading this - some sort of apology. But still ..
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Friday, June 13, 2008

Having to miss someone, takes more patience than I thought.
I didn't realise it, until she said it. I never questioned anything, not because I never bothered. Because I thought I had to trust instead of doubt. That's what I think I should do. No matter how much I say that I don't want to think about it, I still do. I tend to really ponder over really unnecessary things. I know I shouldn't do. But, the voice in my head tells me this: It's karma, bitch. Lol.
The trip was quite enjoyable, kinda thought it may be otherwise.
Till anotha time.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
kungfu panda, yeasterday. Even tho' the movie was short, it was still worth it. I was laughing all the way through the whole movie. I especially love the part when Po was mimicking Shifu and he puts the bowl on his chest. LOL !
i think it's all I'm gonna do this week. I can't go out too often, my mom will get suspicious and I I think my dad knows as well. thanks ah mom.
and, I bumped into an old primary school friend. it's nice to see people from my past, get all excited when they haven't seen you for a long time. i wished more of my friends were like her.
i forgot again, what to say.
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Thursday, June 05, 2008
So yes, hols are here and boredom strikes me. I never know what to do around here - well, exp for chores, which I hate to do, not really hate just depends on my mood. Well, I think since there's nothing better to do .. I might as well just to that. Having a lot of freetime kinda makes me want to study, learn something - I don't sound me at all.(lol) I guess boredom changes your minset. HAHAHAHAHA !
Now I wish I joined the others to the Melacca trip. Regret. Even tho it's just Melacca. At the very least, it's much better than my home. With just television for entertainment, with only less than 10 channels. I miss my cable TV:'(
Need to do list:
Rent DVDs.
I want to say something. But I can't say here.
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Sunday, June 01, 2008
One more exam to go and everything is over and done with and holidays start. I just wonder what to do during the 5 week holidays. Idk why it feels different, even three weeks felt too long. When it was during secondary school, it's never enough. Doesn't even feel like a holiday. Maybe cause' you still need to come down to sch for remedial lessons.
Here's the update:
I gotta keep things cool now. On the low-profile. Cause' it feels like everyone knows now. My mom, everyone. Ugh. I hate it, when I get so predictable or very obvious. I gotta learn how to lie. Imma bad liar.
Monday - Last and final theory exam.
Tuesday - Holiday starts.
Wednesday - No idea what to do.
Thursday - Go with the flow ? Whatever last minute thing comes up.
Friday - East Coast babybeh ! Overnight. Night cycling etc.
I won't hesitate no more, no more
I cannot wait I'm sure
No need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours - very random.
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