stop the traffik!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I recently read this book about human trafficking. It changed my life like to the extent that I felt guilty that here I am living in such wonderful conditions that I take for granted and they are, what they've been through are just too cruel fofr words.
The stories are heartbreaking. And I just thought I just wanted to spread the message, even with the little that I do.
India, Phillipines, Thailand - to name a few. Some are children, some are teenagers, some are men. Most of them girls. Some victims are fooled by the thought of a better future, some are kidnapped and some are even sold by their own parents.
These children are shipped off, thrown into a lorry, travel by boat, passing borders illegally. To a brothel, beaten and abused. These kids are the age of your kid borthers and sisters. Somehow all of these crimes are linked to the towering numbers in HIV/AIDS in their countries, the poverty.
These people are very vulnerable to such things. They fall for their trap so easily, just to feed their family, to have a better life. With hopes and then crushed when reality came to face them.
Now, this is the part that affect us. Our food our clothes, the carpets the we rest our feet on. Choclate bars, Coffee, Tea. Even pornograhy. These are some of the things that we are contributing to.
Not much people are aware of this. Because in Singapore, you don't see such things happen, I don't know maybe there is. We are sheilded from all of this.
Little boys aged from seven to thirteen, made to work long hours under scorching sun and inhumane conditions. Carrying heavy loads on their shoulders, resulting to bruises and cuts. To make cocoa powder, for us to indulge on our sugary treats.
Little girls sold or kidnapped to be made into a sex slave. For years in a brothel. At such a tender age, to have to go through that kind of pain is just unbearable.
Your occasoinal dish of porn, do you know that some of the girls are forced into doing those things. To give you what ? A few minutes of pleasure.
I'm not trying to be a Saint or change the world. I'm speaking out, because I don't what else to do.
Go to
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transformer talk
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I just watched Transformers 2 and I have to say, I'm not as impressed as I was with the first movie. Metal tin cans body slam into each other. And what's with the trend that the Decepticons have ? The pointy beards and spiky eyebrows ? Funny how the little things are the ones that annoy me the most. But I do have to praise them for their humour. And of course the new characters added in - like, the rustic old robot, the Bug-faced hip-hop talking Bot, and the oh, the perverted "faithful" Decepticon that Megan Fox - the rumoured man, made as a pet. And how Shia LaBeouf got jealous because of her so-called pet. I guess the things that's memorable bout this movie is prolly just the drama and LOL comedies injected to it. To end this, so to say, it's also the little things that makes a good movie memorable and worthwatching.
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Typping maniac crazy
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
blogger's making big fucking problems again-.-
well, no picture for today. I'm just so effing tired today, tired of squabbling, tired from school and just so many other things. I'm trying to keep my eyes open.
It rained today and that's the way I like best, and now that I think of it, maybe continuing to HIgher Nitec won't be such a bad idea after all. But I still do have high hopes for poly. Whatever it is, I must get all A's and go all out. And when I have the results I want it's just up to fate how it should go. I've done my part and made my choice wanting to get to where I want to be. So I'm leaving it all the rest to God.
also, I've been hogging on the computer playing Typing Maniac to beat my own high score. Just like life: you try to be the best that you can be, you try harder, but things just get to you - too fast but what you get in all the madness becomes a memory you'd remember.
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falling leaves, swept away by the breeze
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
You want to go with the flow, you made a choice and expected the outcome but somehow deep down wanting so much to be surprised. Somehow today, was defintely unexpected in a sense that you don't know every detailed happenings. But nothing extraordinary, it came out just as close to how I thought it was.
Life can take many unexpected turns, still a surprise. I hate surprises that's why I'm predictable, I hate being predictable, with people knowing exactly what I'm going to say or do next. But I can say one thing for sure, I have many words left to say, many feelings left to be expressed. That no one can see it's as if there's a huge wall infront of me; hiding me, not exposing my secrets of the past. You read this 'Wow she's such a mystery, I almost don't recognise her'.
I'm just saying if I don't open up to you, don't take offence I'm just that way. I have major trust issues regarding huge matters not trival subjects - that I can take - Because right now in my life, not a single soul knows how broken and sceptical I am towards people and their sweet words.
Sometimes you were meant to fall - you do - but lightly because you braced for it, for the shortcomings. Sometimes you think you know what's gonna happen but it doesn't. To interpret life in a few words is a definite impossibility. Because it's just too vast, for just mere philosophical phrases. Philosophies - I think are there to make us understand life alot better. Because sometimes the confusion and the madness can overwhelm you sometimes.
And I've decided to paste my result slip on my refrigerator door, to inspire me, to motivate me wheneve I think I can't. If I could get 2 B's I definitely can get to A's in this current term.
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Academically complacent
Monday, July 06, 2009
usually when I have photos before I blog for a particular day, it is a mirror of my feelings - well, most days. Today, not really. I skipped school today, yes I intended to skip school, I made up my mind since Friday. It's not that I don't want to go to school, because in my current academic state right now, it should be a priority. It is. I guess I just needed one more day to get ready. I don't know why I'm nervous, this always happens at the start of the first day of school. Right now I just hope that I didn't miss out on anything important. Plus, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, class ends at 12.
And I'm still thinking of a catchy, witty title for today.
I guess I'll be blogging about school about school tomorrow. Till another time then.
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Falling softly, breathing slowly.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
It's my favourite kind of weather - rain, drizzle. So calming, the sound of the the rain falling hard from way up high but still subtle. The cool and sombre grey sky, not too dark you can still see the light of the day. These are the times I wish I could stay out and feel the cool breeze and hear the rain drops, pitter patter, pitter patter.
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Sunsets and sunrise
Saturday, July 04, 2009
See, once you've had a taste of hardship and have gone through it with no help from anyone. With your own efforts you made it through the storm. You'll feel an exploding sense of pride. You learn to appreciate what you already have and how grateful you are to be here, in such mediocre, normal and fulfilled circumstances. The riches and the luxuries can't compare to what you have overcome, because at the end of the day you'll remember how you got to where you are now- that is what makes a memory.
And I am grateful to be apart of mediocrity. A life when sometimes you get the sourest of lemons and once in a while you get the sweetest of peaches which, to me is equivalent to my family, the laughters we share and the hardships we conquered. You taste a little hint from both worlds just like where night and day meets - Sunsets and sunrise
In a situation like this mediocre is not such a bad thing after all.
It's a blessing.
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Thursday, July 02, 2009
Hopes are something you hold on to in life - it's almost a necessity. In situations like, when you're loved one is in an accident and in a critical condition. You hope and pray for them out of care and concern. Also when you went for your job interview, you hope to get that job. Hope - in my opinion, is supposed to ease your horrid thoughts for the worse that could happen. Hope can never go wrong, it is something that feelings can never go against.
I hoped too much, I depend on it too much, not believing in miracles to a total pessimist, somewhere in between is a place where I always find myself. What I'm about to say in my case, right now. I hope too much and work too little. Believing in miracles when I so much stand against it. I thought I would do well at least a decent grade from my very poor and pathetic previous one. There is an improvement, most definitely. Figuratively and attitude wise. But in reality, even if I work to the best of my ability and I got the best that I could ever get in the next term I would just still be above good. That is, of course if I work hard enough for that grade. And after all that has been done. After all the hopes crushed I'm still hoping. When it has failed me so many times. But in actual fact I have failed myself, not studying enough and being to complacent and a fool to think everything is going to go my way.
Blaming hope is my alibi. Because my egoistical-self won't admit that I was the reason for my failures. I am my own enemy and my own best friend. I am driven to do and be the best in my own record. I'm not competing with others I am competing with myself. I could either falter in my own negativity and self-pity or I could rise and achieve what I know I can all this time.
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